This history is updated regularly with new items and events that are happening in the gardens. Make sure to arrow down to the bottom to see the most recent items.
The history of the Nature Coast Botanical Gardens begins in the 1990's.
The Spring Hill Garden Club had a small piece of land at the Lake House on Kenlake Ave. which they used as a nursery for members to propagate plants and sell to the public. Hernando County had a 4.5 acre tract of land off Parker Ave. and wanted to create a county park. This 4.5 acres was too small for a park, but the Lake House property was large enough for their plans.
On Nov 15, 1994 the club entered into a 99 year lease agreement with the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando Co for the 4.5 acres of scrub on Parker Ave. The property would be used for a plant nursery and botanical garden. One acre of the property was cleared for the plant nursery, including restrooms and a paved parking area. This parking lot was funded by a fundraiser chaired by Gloria Nadeau, and the bathroom building was built with a donation of labor and materials.
The Spring Hill Garden Club had a small piece of land at the Lake House on Kenlake Ave. which they used as a nursery for members to propagate plants and sell to the public. Hernando County had a 4.5 acre tract of land off Parker Ave. and wanted to create a county park. This 4.5 acres was too small for a park, but the Lake House property was large enough for their plans.
On Nov 15, 1994 the club entered into a 99 year lease agreement with the Board of County Commissioners of Hernando Co for the 4.5 acres of scrub on Parker Ave. The property would be used for a plant nursery and botanical garden. One acre of the property was cleared for the plant nursery, including restrooms and a paved parking area. This parking lot was funded by a fundraiser chaired by Gloria Nadeau, and the bathroom building was built with a donation of labor and materials.
The "Pioneers"
These were the people who were instrumental in developing the first 6 gardens that have become The Nature Coast Botanical Gardens. Without their foresight and hard work, the gardens would not be the beautiful sanctuary that it is today.
These were the people who were instrumental in developing the first 6 gardens that have become The Nature Coast Botanical Gardens. Without their foresight and hard work, the gardens would not be the beautiful sanctuary that it is today.
Ed Howells 2001 - 2004
Don Kubiak 2004 - 2006
Jeannie Erickson 2006 - 2016
Mary Wuest 2016-
Ethyl DeValk 1999 -
Kathy Lockwood
Carol Warren - 2019
Kathy Wolfe 2019 -
Ed Howells 2001 - 2004
Don Kubiak 2004 - 2006
Jeannie Erickson 2006 - 2016
Mary Wuest 2016-
Ethyl DeValk 1999 -
Kathy Lockwood
Carol Warren - 2019
Kathy Wolfe 2019 -
As of 2019, we have 22 themed gardens maintained by club members and community volunteers.
Each year new additions are added to individual gardens, there is always something new to see.
Each year new additions are added to individual gardens, there is always something new to see.
Several of the "pioneers", Jim Erickson and Tom Braun in a joint effort, put in the original sprinkler system and added electricity to the gardens. In the years since then, the infra-structure elements have been added to and changed to accommodate the growing gardens,
Full preparation of the land began in 1997. This was an extension of the club's ongoing dedication to beautify the county. A grant from the South-west Florida Water Management District provided the first appreciable money to start major work on the gardens. The main path around the garden was made/designed from remnants of a previous fire prevention plowing to create a fire break in the community. There are still some trees in the garden that show fire damage from that time.
The first plant sale at our new location was held on April 21, 1999
In 2001 Ed Howels became the first Garden/Project manager and clearing of the remaining property began for the establishment of the Nature Coast Botanical Gardens (formerly named the Hernando Co Botanical Garden). By March of 2004, there were 6 gardens complete and several more in the works.
The first garden was the creation of the Memorial Garden by Don Howell in 2002.

This was followed by a Wildflower garden designed by Don Kubiak at the Entrance.
Each new garden was to began with a $1000 donation for a garden of your choice. From there things blossomed.
The Butterfly Garden was designed by Sue Walsh with funding by the Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Program
The Waterfall was built by Rick and Tina Burkett, owners of Burkett Pond Builders, and plants were donated by Spring Hill Rare Fruit Council, the Native Plant Society and the garden nursery.
There was a large pile of tree trimmings and chopped trees that had begun to decompose at the side of the property and the early pioneers of the garden saw not a pile of rubble, but a beautiful hill with a waterfall and pond.
There was a large pile of tree trimmings and chopped trees that had begun to decompose at the side of the property and the early pioneers of the garden saw not a pile of rubble, but a beautiful hill with a waterfall and pond.
The Childen's Herb garden, June 2003
A depression in the grass garden, which now features the rain curtain, was dug by Jim Erickson at the request of Ethyl deValk, the first nursery manager, for a fish pond. However the pond never materialized leaving a hole and lots of speculation over the years as to how it got there. Sink Hole??? While writing this history and interviewing our founders, Jim finally told us the true story.
Don Kubiak designed the Desert garden which was the 7th garden completed in March 2003 with a grant of $4800 from SW Florida Water Management.
The Rose Garden was planted as a memorial to Diane Fisher's sister. and the Gazebo in the garden was a gift from Gloria Nadeau in memory of her husband in June 2004. The first wedding held in the garden was Gloria's son.
The Fantasy Garden was created as a memorial to a daughter who died young. Members of the Hernando Computer Club created a koi pond in ceramics, and several benches and tables throughout the gardens.
Dick Keller built the structure in what is now the Asian Garden. This is a beautiful place for a wedding. Tom Howard has been adding fun things to this garden, make sure to look for his birds hanging in the trees.
The fence around the gardens was done in 2005 with a $19,000 county funded project after negotiations between the county board and Jim Erickson with the help of Don Kubiak.
The Native Plant Garden was started in 2006 with the bridge over the pond donated by Home Depot.
Many of the bromeliads in the Bromeliad Garden were donated by Kathy Lockwood, the nursery manager.
The Orchard Garden began in 2006 by the Erickson Family. It would show the varieties of fruits and berries for the Florida Garden.
The original well in the Nursery went dry so a new well was dug at the south east end of the green house, They never found water there so another well was dug just inside the fence line by the parking lot. This drilling was done by Spring Hill Well Drilling, Vince Kaka at a cost of $4475.
We have other organizations help in maintaining these beautiful gardens. in 2012, the Hernando Computer Club agreed to maintain the Fantasy Garden and the Hernando Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society agreed to maintain the Native Plant Garden.
Sadly, in 2016 the beautiful oak tree in the entrance circle had to be taken down. It has been missed, but a new Silk Floss Tree (Ceiba speciosa, formerly Chorisia speciosa)
was added, but it will take some years to mature to it's full beauty
was added, but it will take some years to mature to it's full beauty
In 2017 a major project began to create a brick path on the main circle around the garden, making the gardens accessible to mobility challenged individuals. After a successful fundraiser, several very generous anonymous donations and several small grants this project was completed in 2019.
Brian Feil, a woodcarver and garden club member, worked hard to reclaim a dead tree trunk in the picnic area. The Wood Spirit is said to be Lord of the Forest and Natural Things. Seeing one is said to be quite a lucky thing, and European villagers used to go out on regular hunts, hoping to find a Wood Spirit to foretell the future of their village.
Click here for more information about wood spirits,
Click here for more information about wood spirits,
Also in 2017 a complete renovation of the benches in the Nursery was completed.
This really cleaned up the Nursery and makes it much easier to keep the benches cleaned. (previously the old wood and concrete block benches had to be power washed several times a year.)
This really cleaned up the Nursery and makes it much easier to keep the benches cleaned. (previously the old wood and concrete block benches had to be power washed several times a year.)
The last picture was taken after a VERY successful plant sale, we sold almost everything!!! But, the benches certainly looked nice when it was over.
This year a new garden was opened at the Welcome Center. This Enabling Garden is especially designed for those who have disabilities making gardening on the ground almost impossible. The ARC organization now takes care of this garden. Mary Wuest, garden manager asked a garden club member and artist, Mary Scarpelli, to paint some cheery flowers on the concrete structure to enhance the Welcome Center.
A beautiful Rain Curtain in the Ornamental Garss Garden was installed in 2019, the creation of Michelle Del Vecchio.
This year also included the repainting of the Welcome center by Steve Wolfe and the addition of a "funky" bird by Barbara Cooper and Betty Asselin to put a smile on the faces of those who enter the gardens.
2020 is a very busy year. Our original plan was to pave both parking lots, however after having the septic system cleaned (for the first time in 20 some years) we found that the mulched lot must remain mulched. The main lot was repaved in late April.
.Tom Howard designed and built "Tom's Birds" and installed them all around the gardens, keep your eyes open to find them all. The Toucan is interactive, just pull the wire hanging and he will fly!! You have to look hard to find the hummingbird in the Butterfly Garden. Tom and his crew also saved the Tree Spirit that had been rotting with the tree it was carved into.
Tom's birds have increased with the addition of a GIANT butterfly in the Butterfly Garden. The bamboo frame will be covered with vines. Even the COVID 19 pandemic can't keep our volunteers down!!!
The greenhouse benches were rotting away after 15+ years, so they were replaced in late April.
We lost the big tree by the back gate to the Nursery, but Kathy, nursery manager, decided to turn it into a giant trellis with vines. The tree people, A-Z pruned the tree into a "Halloween tree", now we wait for the vines to take over. After a week the "dead" tree started sprouting new leaves, however by August it decided to die again.
The feature tree in the Bromeliad Garden broke in half in April. Now we wait to see if the loss of shade will alter the beautiful garden. Craig and Lori Samuel are working hard to repair the damage. A new live oak tree was purchased for $450 in mid May, but it will be many years before it provides shade. A shade cloth was hung to help keep the sun off the plants, now we wait for the tree to grow.
The Bromeliad garden suffered a second large tree limb down in August. The entire centerpiece tree will have to come down. We are hoping that a woodcarving can be done with the trunk. Make sure to arrow down to March of 2021, the tree is becoming a bird family.
FINALLY, a vehicle to pick up plants for our sales! Purchased in June of 2020 for $6500, PLUS some updating paid for with donation monies. It is a 2001 Ford E150, big enough for plants and small enough for the vertically challenged nursery managers. $6000 was funded by anonymous donations.
Kathy W and Mary W painted the bumpers and it looks great, especially with the logo on the side!
The first plant buying trip was a success, we filled it full!!!
Kathy W and Mary W painted the bumpers and it looks great, especially with the logo on the side!
The first plant buying trip was a success, we filled it full!!!
A new garden Organ Donors Commemorative Garden has been added just beyond the Welcome Center. It is a peaceful place to sit and share memories of loved ones.
After the HUGE oak tree went down in the Bromeliad Garden we needed to get shade back for the plants. Beginning the December 2020 and finishing March 2021 we have 2 new pergola's. They should last long enough for the new trees to get big enough to produce shade, and they look so good we will probably leave them up till they rot. You can see the bird carving from the oak tree that fell in the center top picture. (Recycling at it's best)
JANUARY 2021 Tom Howard added panda's to the Asian Garden, The kids love it
March 2021 Doug, Matt, Hugh, Tom and Josh are rebuilding the train and waterfall Garden. After many years the track bed was rotting and the waterfall had leaks and was overgrown. When it was cleaned out we found many beautiful things that had not been seen for years. The village is still under construction. Thank you to Save on Landscaping for cleaning and repairing the waterfall.
April 2021 the new landscaping and train village is complete. Doug has created an entire village from miniature plantings and lots of buildings, people, vignettes and a circus complete with animals.
April 2021 the new landscaping and train village is complete. Doug has created an entire village from miniature plantings and lots of buildings, people, vignettes and a circus complete with animals.
MAY - JUNE 2021 A generous donor is funding the carving of the large tree stump left in the Bromeliad garden from storm damage last year. Gil Watson from Homossasa is creating a beautiful bird sculpture. It is amazing to see what "the tree tells him". (make sure to click on the picture to see the full view)
JULY - December 2021 Finally -- Pavilions in the picnic area are complete. Now when you reserve the area you will have cover if the weather gets bad. We hope you will all enjoy the new addition. There is a 16 x 24 foot covered section with tables and a floor and a ramp for wheelchair access.
DECEMBER 2021 New benches in the propagation area of the Nursery, raised up and no more cement blocks. Our backs thank the "boys" that built them. Tom, Hugh, Rene, and new Josh.
MARCH 2022
MAY 2022 we commissioned Jesse Kasabian to create a mural on the back of the bathroom in the Nursery to hide the building. His work is beautiful.
JULY 2022 Peter and Co. added a bamboo arbor to enter the Secret Garden and a three tiered fountain/planter just beyond the arbor
.On the brighter side we purchased 2 beautiful hanging basket racks for the nursery. The old rack was finally rusting away.
.On the brighter side we purchased 2 beautiful hanging basket racks for the nursery. The old rack was finally rusting away.
Well Pump Replacement in the Nursery
The Well pump in the nursery needed to be replaced at a cost of $4800 and after contacting Jim Erickson we found out the history of the wells.
The well in back of the coffee station just went dry. Guessing but over 15 years ago. the next well was drilled at the south east corner of the greenhouse. This was dry from start. Filled in. Next was the nursery well. This was piped over to the first well's holding tank. I don't know how old it is but 15-20 would be my guess. The well ,I think, has had the pump pulled but I don't recall that it was replaced. Know there has been leaks in the above ground filter tank.
You're just testing my 90 year old mind recall ,hope I passed.
The well in back of the coffee station just went dry. Guessing but over 15 years ago. the next well was drilled at the south east corner of the greenhouse. This was dry from start. Filled in. Next was the nursery well. This was piped over to the first well's holding tank. I don't know how old it is but 15-20 would be my guess. The well ,I think, has had the pump pulled but I don't recall that it was replaced. Know there has been leaks in the above ground filter tank.
You're just testing my 90 year old mind recall ,hope I passed.

Someone tried to steal the donation box, they did not succeed but did damage the box. We purchased new metal, much thicker, and Randy and Sons Automotive of Hudson (Mike) donated the welding to put it all together for us. Thank you Mike.
The wood walkway was rotting away and Peter Beckman and his crew replaced the old wood with trex planks and a new gravel base.
The wood walkway was rotting away and Peter Beckman and his crew replaced the old wood with trex planks and a new gravel base.
Gazebo in the Rose Garden has been repaired and re stained. Josh did the repairs and we hired Greg Watkins to re-stain
The decking on the bridge over the large pond was rotting away. Home Depot donated new vinyl planks to replace it. Thank you Home Depot. Kathy and Angela are hard at work putting it back together.
Also the pump in the pond failed and a new stronger pump was added.
The decking on the bridge over the large pond was rotting away. Home Depot donated new vinyl planks to replace it. Thank you Home Depot. Kathy and Angela are hard at work putting it back together.
Also the pump in the pond failed and a new stronger pump was added.
A new fence was added to make a storage area for our large equipment. This cleaned up the nursery area for more plants.
A new fence was added to make a storage area for our large equipment. This cleaned up the nursery area for more plants.
All of the benches in the gardens have been secured so that they cannot slip off the of blocks they are sitting on.
All of the benches in the gardens have been secured so that they cannot slip off the of blocks they are sitting on.
A railing has been added to the waterfall/ train garden for added safety. Doug, Peter, and Co. did the constructioin.
A railing has been added to the waterfall/ train garden for added safety. Doug, Peter, and Co. did the constructioin.

Sue's Shed for starting seeds. Thanks to Kathy K for donating the shed and putting it together. Sue is a master at getting seedings going and flourishing.

Sadly our long time treasurer, Janice Zacharkan, passed away December 18.2023. She will be greatly missed. Janice was Treasurer for at least 12 years, maybe more. She was a wealth of information.
began the repair of the brick pathways. It is costing almost as much to repair as it did to put the original path down.
began the repair of the brick pathways. It is costing almost as much to repair as it did to put the original path down.
MARCH 2024
The gazebo, originally constructed in 2004, in the Asian Garden was deteriorating and is being repaired. New columns and composite decking. Kathy K was amazing, she designed and built the structure.
The gazebo, originally constructed in 2004, in the Asian Garden was deteriorating and is being repaired. New columns and composite decking. Kathy K was amazing, she designed and built the structure.
MARCH 2024
The Panda family has rotted away after only 3 years Jan 2021 -Jan 2024 (from the Florida weather and garden watering), so Ann A. has replaced it with new exterior wood and paint which will hopefully last longer for the kiddos.
The Panda family has rotted away after only 3 years Jan 2021 -Jan 2024 (from the Florida weather and garden watering), so Ann A. has replaced it with new exterior wood and paint which will hopefully last longer for the kiddos.
The paths were repaired and improved especially the Memorial Garden and the Train Waterfall. Th e total repairs cost as much as the original paths. approx. $30,000.00
The paths were repaired and improved especially the Memorial Garden and the Train Waterfall. Th e total repairs cost as much as the original paths. approx. $30,000.00
With the loss of the big tree at the entrance to the nursery, we needed more shade on the sale floor, so a large canopy was added.
We were hit by 2 Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Fortunately we had minor damage.
We were hit by 2 Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Fortunately we had minor damage.
The Hernando Co Art Council placed a beautiful crane in the large pond by the Native Plant Garden.
Another tree is coming down in the Nursery. Lot.s of benches needed to be moved The shade will be missed
You can purchase an engraved brick which can be placed in the gardens. The Memorial Garden contains those in memory of individuals. The Butterfly Garden contains those in commemoration of Clubs/events/individuals. The Pet Memorial Garden is a place to remember your 4 legged best friend.
Income derived from the sale of plants in the Nursery, engraved bricks, hosting of weddings, and special events, as well as grants and donations have enabled us to transform the gardens into an oasis of charm and beauty.